Course directory - WiSe2024/25

Course directory - WiSe2024/25

Fakultät Management, Soziale Arbeit, Bauen (WiSe2024/25) 50 Courses
No. Title Time/Place Teachers
Info Laborrunde Course details The course times are not decided yet. Kubat, Bernd,
Thielmann, Thomas
Koordination Master ENB Course details The course times are not decided yet. Brinckmann, Olga,
Gouverneur, Dirk,
Grünig, Petra,
Lamers, Reinhard,
Schramm, Cinja Ingrid,
Thamm, Aline
RICS-Information Course details Dates on Tuesday, 28.04.2015, Wednesday, 09.03.2016 13:00 - 14:00, Location: (HOA 028) Nern, Thomas
Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten - Leitfaden Course details Holzminden Breuer, Wilhelm,
Bruehl, Martina,
Ertle-Straub, Susanne,
Höing, Alexa
BAb Ho/25/1/4 Zeitgenössische Theorien der Sozialen Arbeit in krisenhaften Zeiten – Eine Einführung Course details Dates on Saturday, 16.11.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 19.11.2024, Tuesday, 10.12.2024, Tuesday, 14.01.2025, Tuesday, 28.01.2025 16:30 - 20:45, Location: HOA_013 - Seminarraum, (online) N.N. S Ho, Lehrbeauftragte/r S Ho
BAb S Ho/25/1/10/1Üa Medienpädagogische Projekte mit Kindern und Jugendlichen Course details Dates on Tuesday, 22.10.2024, Tuesday, 12.11.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Friday, 15.11.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 07.01.2025 16:30 - 20:45, Friday, 10.01.2025 09:00 - 13:00, Location: (online), (HOA_005; HOB_S29) Schenk, Sascha
BAb S Ho/25/1/10/1Üb Öffentlichkeitsarbeit in der Sozialen Arbeit Course details Dates on Tuesday, 05.11.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Friday, 13.12.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Friday, 10.01.2025 14:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 28.01.2025 16:30 - 20:45, Location: HOA_215 - Seminarraum, HOA_006 - Seminarraum, (online) Brinkmann, Christopher Markus
BAb S Ho/25/1/11S Einführung in die Gemeinwesenarbeit / Sozialraumorientierung Course details Dates on Tuesday, 22.10.2024, Tuesday, 05.11.2024, Tuesday, 12.11.2024, Tuesday, 07.01.2025, Tuesday, 28.01.2025 16:30 - 20:45, Location: (online) Kriszan, Agnes
BAb S Ho/25/1/11Ü Vertiefung von sozialraumorientierten Konzepten Course details Dates on Friday, 15.11.2024, Friday, 13.12.2024, Friday, 10.01.2025 09:00 - 18:00, Location: HOA_105 - Seminarraum Kriszan, Agnes
BAb S Ho/25/1/2a Professionelle Identitätsbildung II (2. Semester) Course details Dates on Friday, 25.10.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 03.12.2024, Tuesday, 07.01.2025, Tuesday, 04.02.2025 16:30 - 20:45, Location: HOA_013 - Seminarraum, (online) Engel, Alexandra
BAb S Ho/25/1/2e Professionelle Identitätsbildung IV (4. Semester) Course details Dates on Tuesday, 01.10.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Saturday, 26.10.2024, Saturday, 11.01.2025 09:00 - 18:00, Location: HOA_013 - Seminarraum, (online) Engel, Alexandra
BAb S Ho/25/1/5/1/Ü Theorie und Praxis sozialpädagogischer Beratung Course details Dates on Tuesday, 01.10.2024, Tuesday, 22.10.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Saturday, 26.10.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 05.11.2024, Tuesday, 12. ...(more), Location: (online), (HOA_115; HOA_106/107) Schmieta, Maike
BAb S Ho/25/1/5/2/Ü Theorie und Praxis der sozialpädagogischen Beratung Course details Dates on Tuesday, 01.10.2024, Tuesday, 22.10.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Saturday, 26.10.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 05.11.2024, Tuesday, 12. ...(more), Location: (online), (HOA_114; HOA_112) Kassan, Nora
BAb S Ho/25/1/6/1 Einführung in die Einzelfallhilfe Course details Dates on Saturday, 28.09.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 29.10.2024, Tuesday, 26.11.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Saturday, 14.12.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Location: HOA_218 - Seminarraum, (online) Penke, Swantje
BAb S Ho/25/1/6/2 Fallmanagement - Einführung; Konzeption Course details Dates on Tuesday, 08.10.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Friday, 13.12.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 17.12.2024, Tuesday, 21.01.2025 16:30 - 20:45, Location: HOA_005 - Seminarraum, (online) Block, Andrej
BAb S Ho/25/1/7/1 Einführung Soziale Arbeit mit Gruppen Course details Dates on Tuesday, 29.10.2024, Tuesday, 26.11.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Friday, 13.12.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 17.12.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Location: HOA_013 - Seminarraum, (online) Escher, Kristin
BAb S Ho/25/1/7/2 Methoden und Übungen in der Arbeit mit Gruppen Course details Dates on Saturday, 28.09.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 08.10.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Saturday, 14.12.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 21.01.2025 16:30 - 20:45, Location: HOA_115 - Seminarraum, (online) Schrader, Michaela
BAb S Ho/25/1/9a Pädagogische und psychologische Grundlagen und Konzepte Course details Dates on Tuesday, 08.10.2024, Tuesday, 29.10.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Saturday, 16.11.2024 09:00 - 13:00, Tuesday, 03.12.2024, Tuesday, 14.01.2025 16:30 - 20:45, Location: HOA_114 - Seminarraum, (online) Besche, Julia,
Schmieta, Maike
BAb S Ho/25/1/9b Pädagogische Anthropologie Course details Dates on Saturday, 28.09.2024 14:00 - 18:00, Friday, 25.10.2024 09:00 - 13:00, Tuesday, 19.11.2024, Tuesday, 17.12.2024, Tuesday, 04.02.2025 16:30 - 20:45, Location: HOA_114 - Seminarraum, (online) Kassan, Nora
BAb S Ho/25/1/9c Embodiment - fokussierte Psychologie Course details Dates on Saturday, 28.09.2024 09:00 - 13:00, Tuesday, 26.11.2024, Tuesday, 10.12.2024 16:30 - 20:45, Saturday, 14.12.2024 09:00 - 18:00, Tuesday, 21.01.2025 16:30 - 20:45, Location: HOA_114 - Seminarraum, (online) Kassan, Nora
BWL00 Informationsplattform BWL berufsbegleitend Course details Holzminden Alhusen, Harm,
Brenig, Mattheus,
Ebert, Melanie,
Gubaydullina, Zulia,
Mau, Alexandra,
Proeger, Till,
Sonderer, Verena,
Weber, Lars,
Wundrack, Jenny
BWL01 create:hub BWL-Studierendentickets Course details The course times are not decided yet. Alhusen, Harm,
Brenig, Mattheus,
Ebert, Melanie,
Gubaydullina, Zulia,
Proeger, Till,
Sonderer, Verena,
Weber, Lars,
Wundrack, Jenny
BWL15 ABWL Course details The course times are not decided yet. Gubaydullina, Zulia
BWL16 Rechnungswesen I Course details The course times are not decided yet. Grommas, Dieter
BWL17 Wirtschaftsmathematik Course details The course times are not decided yet. Wundrack, Jenny
BWL17-2 Tutorium Wirtschaftsmathematik Course details The course times are not decided yet. Wundrack, Jenny
BWL18 VWL I Course details The course times are not decided yet. Gubaydullina, Zulia
BWL18-2 Tutorium VWL Course details The course times are not decided yet. Gubaydullina, Zulia
BWL22 Betriebliche Steuerlehre Course details The course times are not decided yet. Ebert, Melanie
BWL23 Statistik Course details The course times are not decided yet. Ebert, Melanie
BWL23-2 Tutorium Statistik Course details The course times are not decided yet. Ebert, Melanie
BWL24 Business English Course details The course times are not decided yet. Weyer, Hubertus
BWL25 Controlling I Course details The course times are not decided yet. Wundrack, Jenny
BWL28 Supply Chain Management Course details Monday: 17:50 - 19:10, weekly (from 14/10/24),, Location: (
Dates on Saturday, 26.10.2024, Saturday, 30.11.2024, Saturday, 11.01.2025 10:00 - 16:00, Saturday, 08.02.2025, Saturday, 15.03.2025 10:00 - 12:00, Location: (create:hub), (HAWK)
Weber, Lars
BWL32 WPM Wirtschaftsrecht II Course details The course times are not decided yet. Grüninger, Jonas
BWL39 Strategisches Management Course details Tuesday: 17:50 - 19:10, weekly (from 15/10/24),, Location: (
Dates on Saturday, 26.10.2024, Saturday, 30.11.2024, Saturday, 11.01.2025 10:00 - 16:00, Saturday, 08.02.2025, Saturday, 15.03.2025 10:00 - 12:00, Location: (create:hub), (HAWK)
Weber, Lars
BWL40 Unternehmenspolitisches Projekt Course details Thursday: 17:50 - 19:20, fortnightly (from 24/10/24),, Location: (
Dates on Friday, 28.02.2025 12:00 - 12:15, Location: (Abgabe UPP)
Weber, Lars
BWL40 Unternehmenspolitisches Projekt Course details The course times are not decided yet. Proeger, Till
BWL41 E-Business Course details Tuesday: 19:20 - 20:40, weekly (from 15/10/24),, Location: (
Dates on Saturday, 26.10.2024, Saturday, 30.11.2024, Saturday, 11.01.2025 10:00 - 16:00, Saturday, 08.02.2025, Saturday, 15.03.2025 13:00 - 15:00, Location: (create:hub), (HAWK)
Weber, Lars
BWL43 Prozessmanagement Course details The course times are not decided yet. Wundrack, Jenny
BWL45 Praxisprojekt Course details The course times are not decided yet. Proeger, Till
BWL46 Bachelorarbeit Course details Thursday: 19:20 - 20:40, weekly (from 18/04/24), Platzhalter - Gruppentermine i.d.R. 14d n.a.
Dates on Thursday, 19.10.2023, Thursday, 26.10.2023, Thursday, 09.11.2023 19:20 - 20:40, Friday, 10.11.2023 17:00 - 20:30, Saturday, 1 ...(more), Location: (, (Create:Hub)
Gubaydullina, Zulia,
Proeger, Till,
Weber, Lars
BWL47 Wissenschaftliches Begleitseminar Course details Thursday: 19:20 - 20:40, fortnightly (from 24/10/24),, Location: (
Weber, Lars
BWL47 Wissenschaftliches Begleitseminar Course details The course times are not decided yet. Gubaydullina, Zulia
BWL51 WPM Verhaltensökonomik Course details The course times are not decided yet. Proeger, Till
BWL61 WPM Grundlagen der digitalen Kollaboration Course details The course times are not decided yet. Brenig, Mattheus
BWL62 WPM Anwendungsorientierte Einführung in die künstliche Intelligenz Course details The course times are not decided yet. Proeger, Till
BWL65 WPM ChatGPT in Unternehmen Course details The course times are not decided yet. Proeger, Till
BWL66 WPM Change Management Course details The course times are not decided yet. Brenig, Mattheus
Veranstaltung Infoveranstaltung Soziale Arbeit ber Veranstaltung Infoveranstaltung Soziale Arbeit berufsbegleitend Course details Dates on Friday, 27.09.2024 08:00 - 18:00, Location: (HOA_112; HOA_113; HOA_114; HOA_118; HOA_121; HOA_122; HOA_123) Bachmann-Rüger, Sarah,
Engel, Alexandra