Übung: BA S Hi/S03/3c Let's Play! Impro-Theatre - English - Theaterpädagogik als Bildungsangebot C - Details

Übung: BA S Hi/S03/3c Let's Play! Impro-Theatre - English - Theaterpädagogik als Bildungsangebot C - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Übung: BA S Hi/S03/3c Let's Play! Impro-Theatre - English - Theaterpädagogik als Bildungsangebot C
Untertitel Kulturelle und künstlerische Bildung und Handlungskompetenz
Veranstaltungsnummer BA S Hi/S03/3c
Semester WiSe2024/25
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 21
maximale Teilnehmendenanzahl 22
Heimat-Einrichtung Stg BA Soziale Arbeit Hildesheim (BA S Hi)
Veranstaltungstyp Übung in der Kategorie Lehre
Nächster Termin Montag, 13.01.2025 18:00 - 20:00, Ort: HIB_116 Theaterseminarraum (Rollst.geeignet, kl. Stufe im Eingangsbereich)
Voraussetzungen Please note:
- you don´t need any theatre experience or special talents, only the willingness to engage in the process and to help create a safer space for everyone.
- there is a no-outdoor-shoes-rule in the theatre room. Please bring warm socks or clean slippers.
Leistungsnachweis - "Prüfungsleistungen"/exams can be taken in form of a Portfolio (documentation and reflection of selected learning experiences



"DARE TO FAIL!" and "SAY YES!" are two of the basic rules in contemporary Improvisation Theatre. These rules are essential not only for this special art form. They´ve got potential to also improve your daily life, and can hopefully create an encouraging atmosphere to speak English! ("Denglish"-Speakers are welcome as well)

Improv Theatre might give you new ideas about yourself and others, it will make a difference to normal ways of learning and trying. It´s a training for your abilities
- to trust in yourself and your ideas,
- to pay attention to your partners (not only on stage)
- to create characters and stories
- to find unusual solutions in tricky situations
- to make decisions and take responsability
- and last not least: to embrace "mistakes" and overcome perfectionism

Besides all those useful side effects, improv theatre is a lot of fun. We will get to know a variety of different formats for games and scenes. All of them have got their specific frames and rules, which allow everyone to improvise without getting lost in a million of possibilities.

EVERYBODY IS WELCOME (as long as there is space) BUT!!!:
If you decide to join: be there in EACH LESSON! (Unless you are ill or injured etc., of course.)
A trustful group atmosphere is essential for theatre work, therefore everyone needs to be reliable.
Theatre in context of education also means the training of respect, awareness and intercultural understanding.


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  • Diese Regel gilt von 11.10.2024 13:00 bis 21.10.2024 08:00.
    Folgende Bedingung muss zur Anmeldung erfüllt sein:
    Studienfach ist Bachelor Soziale Arbeit (Hi) und Fachsemester mindestens 1
  • Diese Regel gilt von 09.10.2024 08:00 bis 11.10.2024 13:00.
    Folgende Bedingung muss zur Anmeldung erfüllt sein:
    Studienfach ist Bachelor Soziale Arbeit (Hi) und Fachsemester ist 1
  • Die Anmeldung ist möglich von 09.10.2024, 08:00 bis 21.10.2024, 08:00.
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